It is important to realize that many men with neurologic disorders may have ED related to disease or factors.
Losing Power
Most men boast about their virility to the point of exaggeration. So the conversation about erectile dysfunction (ED) may not sit well. Tailbone injuries, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and other lower back problems can cause male impotence or atypical flaccidity.
Among other things, the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for sexual arousal. Parasympathetic pathways originate from the intermediolateral cell columns of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th sacral spinal cord segments. Nerves originating in the spinal cord and peripheral ganglia of men innervate the penis and genital area.
With flaccid (hypotonic) neurogenic bladder, urine volume is large, pressure is low, and contractions are absent. This may result from peripheral nerve damage or spinal cord damage at the S2 to S4 level.
Causes of Impotence
Many neurological problems cause ED. Diabetes, enlarged prostrate, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, heavy metal poisoning, spinal cord injuries, nerve injuries, and nerve damage from pelvic operations can cause ED. Stress, smoking an other factors may contribute.
Semen consistency, look, and smell can be good indicators of your overall health. From 200 to 500 million sperms are released in each ejaculation—representing 10 percent of the roughly 1 teaspoon volume. The rest consists of enzymes, vitamin C, calcium, protein, sodium, zinc, and fructose sugar. A putrid odor or retrograde ejaculation may represent a nutritional deficiency.
Neurogenic ED remains difficult to diagnose and treat effectively. It is important to realize that many men with neurological disorders may have ED related to disease or factors separate from damage to the neuro-erectile pathway.
Treatment for Impotence
Sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil (PDE5i) have revolutionized the treatment of ED in general. They remain safe and effective in most men with neurogenic ED.
Early studies suggest that men who take ED medications may experience some relief from their prostate symptoms. Some medications that are used to treat an enlarged prostate can cause ED. Consult a doctor since ED medications have potential side effects that can make them unsafe for some men.
Care must be taken in prescribing PDE5i to men with high spinal cord lesions, multiple system atrophy, or possibly Parkinson’s disease. Several pre-treatment factors may indicate success with PDE5i therapy.

Water-based erection pump used by some men in bathtub to theoretically increase penis size.
Vacuum erection devices are minimally-invasive and can be as effective as other modalities at leading to erection. A urologist can test and detail advantages and risks of each remedy. A neurologist may be able to treat underlying nerve issues.
Beets and leafy green vegetables, like celery and spinach, may increase circulation because of their high concentration of nitrates. These vegetables and vitamin E are vasodilators, which means they enlarge blood vessels and increase blood flow. Though they may help make you A Bit More Healthy, as mentioned, there are often neurogenic, rather than circulatory, causes for ED, and there is a difference between ED, and infertility. Consult your personal physician or urologist for viable treatment options.
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