
Serve MyPlate With Style Chart 20x26

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Finishing: 20x26 Hygienic Lamination


Proudly display your passion for fine dining in restau­rants, culi­nary cook­ing schools, cafe­terias and dining rooms. Promote your com­mit­ment to balanced nutri­tion with images of appetiz­ing culi­nary cui­sine appropri­ately de­scribed by the head­line, Serve MyPlate With Style.

Along with exqui­site food photos, the sub­head, “Compliance Without Compromise” empha­sizes that chefs can pre­pare a vari­ety of balanced dishes that support MyPlate guide­lines with flair. Get this medical poster for chefs, nutri­tion­ists, dieti­tians and restau­rants. ©2011