
The Beardsmith Slasher

Customer receives barbershop haircut


In the world of grooming, one beardsmith hides a diabolical secret. As night falls, he grapples with inner conflicts that leave terror in his wake.

⚠️ This story contains descriptions of violence that may be inappropriate for some readers. Continue with discretion.

Antique Search


While scouring the newspaper, Geoffrey learns of a new thrift shop 15 miles away from his apartment. It’s the one day a week that he has off from work and he usually spends it searching for antique razors to add to his collection. The trip is worth the effort, yielding two straight edges that glisten with precious metals and ivory carvings.

He returns with his bounty, climbing three flights of stairs to an abode painted in shades of gray and black. The turntable drops a needle on a classical music album in the austere decor that blends taxidermy with numerous perfectly aligned photos hanging on the walls.

His book collection includes exploits of criminals who evaded police during their reigns of terror. He sheds a tear when fondling newspaper clippings of his imprisoned stepfather. But his new razors have a place in the smudge-free glass display case.

The next morning, Geoffrey showers, manicures, and dresses with a crisp white shirt, black pants, and suspenders. After a sip of steaming Earl Grey tea with a couple of shortbread cookies, he descends the steps, walks down the alley, crosses the street, and puts on a smile to begin work.

Perfecting Personal Grooming

A group of men and women set out to give men something they cannot obtain from automation and online ordering. It’s the literal personal touch through facial grooming. They offer everything from facial massages to expert barbering with an assortment of specialty oils available for in-store purchasing. To complete their grooming, some men also leave with manicures.

The beard, in some circles viewed as a sign of neglect, receives elevation to something admired by onlookers. You can find thousands of satisfied customer photos on social media. This accounts for the long lines, despite six full-time chairs for service.

It is not just the remarkable transformations possible. Each beardsmith can adroitly hold conversations about the latest sport, news item, and even offer valuable relationship advice. Visits are like having a personal bartender with whom to commiserate, without the alcohol. Even men who come in for a haircut leave with the promise of growing a beard for professional grooming.

But one of the beardsmiths has nurtured a fascination with the razor from a young age. He hides the dark secret that a Canadian relative was a serial killer using a straight razor. Geoffrey doesn’t discuss it for two reasons. Firstly, customers might not trust him with a razor around their necks. Secondly, he has the same unfulfilled propensity.

Beard grooming at barbershop
Geoffrey grooming a man’s beard in the barbershop.

A regular client of Geoffrey, named Edward, has a new redhead girlfriend named Jillian. He can’t contain his enthusiasm to describe how beautiful she looks and all that she does for him.

Geoffrey projects an unintentional antagonistic inquiry. “Are you sure she isn’t hiding anything? Be careful of ladies that manipulate your desires.”

Edward takes umbrage at the suggestion. “Jillian isn’t like that. She rides the bus after working long hours, walks the remaining blocks home, and prepares dinner for me. That’s a woman willing to make sacrifices.”

“Perhaps you found a good one,” Geoffrey replies before changing the subject to sports.

A Serialist in the Making

At night Geoffrey exchanges his buttoned-up white shirt and black suspenders for nondescript oversized dark hoodie and backpack while trolling the foggy streets. He has yet to find the ideal victim but feels a yearning growing stronger with each tour.

Geoffrey grew up in the basement of a Victorian house that despised women. He could hear the shouting of his parents as glass shattered on the floor above him. The narrative of blame filtered through his stepfather who described how his mother could not be trusted.

While crafting his modus operandi, Geoffrey decides on an age range and begins looking for women who walk alone in the dark. He stays fit by walking to work and jogging through parks to scout potential candidates. In time, he learns which women have the same routine.

They catch the bus home and walk a few blocks to their apartment. Others go jogging or frequent a nearby cafe for a cold beverage before bed. Knowing that once he strikes, police will increase their presence in the area, his meticulous notes map out potential victims in several geographic regions.

Geoffrey’s next challenge is to get used to the sight of blood. So he begins personal bloodletting with small cuts. After all, this has become the global symbol of barbershops. At work, nicking a customer is a sign of unprofessionalism but he fights the temptation of an occasional small cut with the jugular vein right at the edge of his blade as avant-jazz music plays in the background.

“Alright then. Who’s next for a cut?” he asks unassumingly.

On any given day, Geoffrey has around 10 people warming his barber chair. What he begins to notice is that some of the men either come with their girlfriends or have them pick them up. From what he can see, many fit the description of a victim type.

Casual conversations with customers like the earlier one with Edward can reveal details he could not otherwise obtain. By overlaying this information with his other notes, Geoffrey is ready to begin achieving his own anonymous legendary status rivaling Jack the Ripper. Unlike his anatomist predecessor, Geoffrey plans a single well-placed cut as his signature. Is either he or the neighborhood ready for the terrorism of a serialist?


Here’s something for psychotherapists to consider. If Geoffrey were your patient, with this information, how would you try to assist?

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