Learn To Learn


The purpose of this blog is to make gems of wisdom more acces­sible. During the leisure of a lunch break, you can explore my mind.

Publish Insights 21 August 2021

Value of Education

Being truly educated is acquir­ing the ability to learn. A college degree is a dor­mant piece of paper that rests in a file cabi­net or hangs on a wall. It repre­sents the sum of achieve­ments up to a moment in time. The expo­nen­tial knowledge of industry profes­sion­als is dynamic. So we must be able to read, attend conventions, and watch videos that expand our horizons.

People bid tens of thousands—even millions—of dollars to have lunch with visionaries like Warren Buffett [1] or Tim Cook [2]. No amount of food is worth that much. Winners hope to gain a morsel of insight that can catapult their own future.

Learn Online Mentor

I am not a Buffett or Cook (although I can cook and enjoy a good buffet). But there are times when I come across someone with apparent poten­tial. I begin sharing benefits from my decades of experi­ence to a glassy-eyed audience of one. But as I lean my head to one side, their gaze is stationary. Nothing is absorbing. I could throw jelly beans at their forehead and still not get a reaction.

An entrepreneur who wants to expand a business dis­regards tips to access money and pitch a business opportunity to inves­tors. A talented artist is over­whelmed by advice to put work on a website and send emails to com­panies that use his style of work. Someone wants to pick my brain for marketing ideas, but recognizes neither the meaning of the word or the value of the recom­menda­tions.

The purpose of this blog is to make gems of wisdom more acces­sible. During the leisure of a lunch break, you can explore my mind, benefit from prior trial and error. Some­thing valuable will either take root and flourish or bead up like mist on a waxed apple. I am hopeful that you will find benefi­cial insights that resonate as you continue expanding your education.

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To support the writing of useful articles about this topic, ClinicalPosters sells human anatomy charts, scientific posters, and other products online. You may sponsor specific articles or remit a small donation.

ClinicalPosters sells human anatomy charts, scientific posters, and other products online to offset expense of the writing useful articles about this topic. Slide extra posters into DeuPair Frames without removing from the wall.

ClinicalPosters sells human anatomy charts, scientific posters, and other products online. You may remit a small donation.

You can support the writing of useful articles about this topic by sponsoring specific articles or remitting a small donation. Visible content is optimized for device size.

  1. Warren Buffett charity lunch fetches record $4.57 million winning bid. reuters.com/article/us-buffett-lunch/warren-buffett-charity-lunch-fetches-record-4-57-million-winning-bid-idUSKCN1T238Y Retrieved 21 Aug 2021
  2. Got an extra $100,000? You could bid to win a lunch with Apple CEO Tim Cook. digitaltrends.com/mobile/apple-tim-cook-lunch Retrieved 21 Aug 2021

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