Mature Mental health

What Happens During Sex Addiction Treatment?

Man and woman lying together

First, identify hypersexuality whether is the problem. Then learn how treatment can prevent serious issues.

When Sex Isn’t Normal

Sex addiction is a compulsive sexual behavior affecting between 3 and 6 percent of the U.S. population. It includes frequent risky behavior, voyeurism, or viewing of pornography. It can harm families, and careers, and lead to illegal activity.

The stigma of admitting mental problems prevents many people from seeking professional services. They may normalize their actions in their minds. Many patients wait until their world is crumbling before reaching out for help.

Symptoms of Sex Addiction

Obsessive Sex Thoughts. Thinking interferes with normal activities. This includes visualizing frequent fantasies, masturbating, watching porn, or planning frequent sexual encounters.

Excessive or Dangerous Masturbation. Addicts may masturbate to the point of injury. The compulsion may result in masturbating in inappropriate places.

Risky Sexual Behavior. Sex addicts commonly hire sex workers, forego protection, have sex in dangerous locations, or frequent paraphilia such as exhibitionism, sadomasochism, or pedophilia.

Frequent Cheating on Sexual Partners. A sex compulsion often exceeds the ability of one partner to provide satisfaction. This results in secret rendezvous with one or more people to appease impulses.

Withdrawal From Important Events. As addiction takes control, patients withdraw from work, school, and family gatherings. They isolate for sex or masturbation, neglecting wholesome relationships.

Intense Feelings of Shame or Depression. The embarrassment of discovery can consume addicts. The rate of depression is more than twice the number of the general population.

Withdrawal Symptoms in the Absence of Sex. Masturbation and sex trigger the release of oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins. This stimulates feelings of reward, love, and pain relief. The brain can become dependent on these chemicals over time to function.

Treatment Options for Sex Addiction

If you recognize the symptoms, professional treatment may help you address compulsive sexual behaviors. Sex addiction is a controversial diagnosis lacking diagnostic criteria or evidence-based treatments.

Individual, group, and online, talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy options are available. There may be mindfulness practices, emotional regulation techniques, acceptance therapy, and psychodynamic psychotherapy. The goal is to identify the underlying causes and develop healthy coping strategies. A therapist could recommend either in-patient or out-patient recovery.

An initial assessment strives to uncover resulting mental issues such as depression, anxiety, narcissism, or ADHD. Then a patient undergoes several weeks of individual, group, or self-therapy.

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