Marketing Banners
Banner ads appear in rotation within articles on the ClinicalPosters website. They also show up on article schedule and beneath search results on the blog directory page when corresponding category tag is selected. Ads may either appear to all visitors or the two thirds of registered users within the United States.
Lower Banner Ad appears near the bottom of correspondingly tagged articles (“below the fold”), often requiring user login. This is most economical.
Upper Banner Ad usually appears within first three paragraphs of like tagged articles (“above the fold”) with no login required. This is highly visible.
Upper Banner Max Ad appears at the top of articles with the most frequency. Less specific tags are used so ads are visible to more readers.
One-time setup is included with annual billing. Optional in-house design includes combining text with images hosted locally. Setup fee is waved with other discounts when prepaying ad insertion for a full year.
Special CSS tags permit daily content and mobile content variation. Desktop size is mandatory, while mobile dimensions are optional.
Criteria subject to change without notice. ClinicalPosters neither endorses or recommends advertisers. Ads must be approved by ClinicalPosters prior to publication. Fee is refunded if ad does not adhere to guidelines before publication.