The Effects of Smoking Chart 22x28

Sale price$21.99

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Finishing: Hygienic Lamination


Lung Cancer Awareness

The Effects of Smoking provides a compre­hen­sive overview of dam­aging outcomes from cigarette smoking. This oversize 22" x 28" (56 x 71 cm) educa­­tional anatomy poster illus­­trates and describes cancers of the mouth, esophagus, lungs and cervix, gastric ulcers, COPD, heart disease, stoke, and effects on pregnancy.

A large photo depicts compari­son between healthy and smoker's lung with cutaway illus­tra­tion and inset lung cancer x-ray. Purchase this medical poster for doctors’ offices specializ­ing in pulmono­logy and oncology. ©2014

  • November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month
  • Recommend hygienic satin UV lamination
Get durable frames for every office with posters for each patient