Understanding Nutrition Chart 22x28

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Finishing: Hygienic Lamination


What healthy foods should I eat? Ideal for register­ed dieti­tians and general health, this over­size 22" x 28" human anatomy poster describes benefi­cial effects of protein, water, dietary fiber, calcium, carbohy­drates, vitamin D, and miner­als on muscle and bone develop­ment. Purchase this popu­lar medical poster for nutri­tion­ists and gastro­entero­lo­gists doctors’ offices.

Understanding Nutrition includes a sec­tion on smart ways to lose weight and a box that describes the changing nutri­tion require­ments as we age. Portion control for main food groups is presented. ©2006

  • Discusses obesity and eating disorders
  • Recommend hygienic satin UV lamination