
The Window Framing Beauty

Female swooning over prince

In the shadowed corners of a regal town in 19th-century England, a window frames beauty and tragedy, concealing a web of secrets awaiting an unveiling.

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Window of Secrets


At the same time each evening, the upstairs window frames the young female silhouette, satisfying the view of an unknown courtyard admirer. After amber morning sunlight awakens her, she bathes with aromatic flower petals and begins the ritualistic grooming process. One hundred brushes detangle brunette locks extending past her shoulders. A tightly fastened corset with crimson lipstick and pearl face powder accenting a crisply pressed lengthy dress takes hours to assemble.

This fair maiden is on a quest to bring her potential beau from the shadows. As she enters the bustling marketplace, parasol in hand, she waves to onlookers gawking at her regal attire. Every stranger's smile or prolonged eye contact might be from the gentleman of her dreams.

With an unscientific and unscripted filter, she rules out dozens of advances each day. Pheromones and mutual sparks in their eyes are the signals Farrah seeks for awareness that she’s in the presence of her heartthrob. The sun sets on this day, like all the others, with her retreating to her abode alone. Her only source of communication is via her tantalizing silhouette in her window.

A rustle in the garden bushes, the reflection of sunlight in his eyes, and a dim lantern confirm their connection. In her perfervid thoughts, the admirer will discover the unlocked door. Quickened footsteps will race up the staircase, where the intoxication of pheromones blends with lilacs from her garden, unlocking all restraint. Months elapse without the outcome for which she longs.

On the other side of town, a redhead maiden undergoes the same routine. Her bedroom window frames her an hour later than Farrah each evening. Elaine fantasizes about a rapture among lavender scents from her terrace. She too, prances the marketplaces throughout the day. Overlooking a garden of gardenias, Rosalyn is a blonde whose ritual begins an hour before Farrah’s. Unknowingly, all three await the revelation of perhaps the same admirer.

Hospitality for a Visitor

In search of a bride, the prince will grace the town’s presence in two days. So each of the young ladies prepares as if he’s the admirer who has been covertly surveilling his new princess. At the time of her window view, the shadowy figure enters Farrah’s unlocked door, an hour after Rosalyn and an hour before Elaine. Each desirous beauty lays outstretched on a divan with her heart racing the approaching footsteps, ready to welcome the cloaked visitor in fulfillment of overdue fantasies.

The next morning, neither of the women adorns the marketplaces with their presence. Their absence is as clarion as a horn before a fox chase, but the town is abuzz with preparation for His Majesty’s visit.

With pomp and circumstance, a train of prancing horses precedes his entrance to Main Street. Two servants open his carriage door, and he emerges wearing a vest of red, purple, and gold. As he stands tall with perfect posture, a crowd of onlookers listens to a decree from the town crier. The prince seeks a maiden for his royal palace.

As many substandard women extend their hands for kisses, the three frontrunners are conspicuously absent. In their place is an unknown competitor, just as enchanting and regal in her appearance. Rebecca garners all of the prince’s attention, who carries her away to wed in the royal city.

Investigating the Absences

When all the rose petals are swept away, and the marketplace activities return to normal, people begin discussing the missed opportunity for three leading ladies. Wellness checks by the constabulary to their homes find each of them lying in their boudoirs without a breath remaining in them.

The investigation into the demises of Rosalyn, Farrah, and Elaine becomes a matter of great concern for the authorities in late 1800s England. There is no sign of forced entry at either residence. Their deaths are mysterious and shocking, leaving the townspeople puzzled and devastated. To identify the suspect, full investigation methods ensue.

Dr. Archibald Cunningham, the town’s skilled medical examiner, gathers evidence for meticulous autopsies. There are no obvious signs of foul play. But he carefully examines the victim’s remains, searching for any signs of poisoning that may have incapacitated them. He collects samples of the meals served at their homes. These he sends to the lab for toxicology analysis. Dr. Cunningham concludes that each of the three young ladies has suffocated with flowers from their gardens.

As the constabulary gathers witness statements, they discover the recurring theme of an unidentified admirer, gazing at the young ladies through their windows each evening. The descriptions of this mysterious figure vary, but all accounts paint a picture of a person who seems captivated by each woman.

The investigation delves deeper. Inspector Nathaniel Everhart and his team uncover surprising revelations about the unknown competitor who had stolen the prince’s attention and was now crowned as the new princess.

Princess Rebecca, once just another beautiful maiden like Rosalyn, Farrah, and Elaine, was the mysterious “admirer.” Driven by ambition and a desire for power, she saw an opportunity to eliminate her competition. Rebecca thus secures her place as the prince’s chosen one.

Administering Justice

Despite the gravity of her actions, the constabulary faces a dilemma. The new princess is now immune from prosecution due to her elevated status. Bringing a member of the royal family to justice would have serious consequences, potentially leading to political upheaval and diplomatic tensions.

Inspector Everhart wrestles with the moral and ethical implications of the situation. Though he yearns to see justice served, he knows that exposing the princess would bring turmoil to the kingdom. Instead, he sends a discreet letter filled with the aroma of flower petals from the three victim’s gardens.

The language is cryptic, but to the guilty party, the message is clear. It informs Rebecca: “The constabulary acknowledges Her Majesty’s presence at the final performance of The Three Women, featuring Rosalyn, Farrah, and Elaine. Should Her Majesty wish to revisit a similar performance, it shall be incumbent upon the constabulary to notify her loving prince.”

Through the town crier, the constabulary issues an official statement, attributing the deaths to a series of unfortunate incidents and natural causes. Inspector Everheart retains copies of the autopsy reports in the event of future prosecution. The townspeople, unaware of the true events, mourn the loss of three beautiful women, believing their deaths were mere tragedies.

Princess Rebecca, now crowned and secure in her position, appears to be a vision of grace and poise, admired by the prince and subjects alike. However, she knows that her rise to fame came at a dark and dangerous cost, one that could come to dishonor at any time. So in a final dastardly deed, the coronated femme fatale wields her power to make Everheart and his evidence vanish, replacing him with a vassal Inspector.

And so, the small town of late 1800s England continues enjoying enchantment by the captivating figure framed in an unreachable window. Its beauty hides the secrets of ambition, jealousy, and treachery. The truth remains known only to a select few, concealed within the shadows of the past.

The End

Return twice weekly for miniseries. Any relation to actual persons or events is coincidental. Login provides the most immersive experience. About 1200 total words. Story includes one or more generative AI images to help readers visualize scenes.

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