
Only When Alone E4

Female with rifle


In the vast rural landscape, Mindy discovers that survival requires more than embracing solitude. She must resourcefully cultivate new skills.

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Alone for Target Practice


After an early egg breakfast, Mindy realizes that learning to hunt will provide alternative sources of protein. She retrieves a rifle and a box of ammunition from the gun cabinet. Using her walking stick as a hammer, she nails a tin pan onto a tree about a quarter mile from the house. With a hundred paces between her and the target, she aims, but her first six shots miss entirely.

Undeterred, she continues, narrowing the distance to fifty paces. Out of six more attempts, she manages to hit the edge of the target once. While her sharpshooting skills are far from exemplary, Mindy finds solace in the fact that there are no witnesses to her less-than-stellar aim.

Nostalgic memories of the tiny New York apartment she strived to keep by dancing fill Mindy’s mind. The large home and endless backyard that surround her now represent a contrast worthy of celebration. So she begins dancing in the woods, like she did at Frank’s Place. This time, there is no rejection of her rhythmic moves. However, someone takes note of the performance from a distance.

Before 10 o’clock, Mindy decides it’s a good time to call the electrician. She contacts Ed, who warmly welcomes her to the area and assures her that he’ll visit shortly after his noon meal. Until then, she focuses on cleaning the remaining rooms, making sure to close the doors afterward to minimize the dust that triggers her allergies.

When Ed arrives, he diligently checks the fuses, finding that none are burned out. He also confirms the presence of a solid negative ground wire. Moving from room to room, he turns on lights, keeping a keen eye out for any flickers or inconsistencies. Additionally, he tests some outlets for continuity and voltage.

After his inspection, Ed explains, “It would take me a full day to check every outlet, but from what I see, everything is working well. Your power comes from solar panels, and it seems that they may not be getting fully charged or there’s a loose connection somewhere. If I were to investigate further, I’d need to bring at least two other technicians. However, that would come at a steep cost.”

Mindy hesitates, considering her limited finances. She replies, “I appreciate your assistance and the information about the solar panels and the wiring. For now, I’ll have to pass on the extensive investigation. How much do I owe you for today’s service call?”

Ed charges her $50 for his visit and provides a quote of $350 for a comprehensive examination. After settling the payment, he leaves. Shortly thereafter, the sheriff arrives in response to the reports of gunshots on Mindy’s property.

“Afternoon Miss Mindy. Did you report gunshots here?” the sheriff inquires.

“Yes, Sheriff, just one last night,” Mindy replies.

“The operator got another call of about a dozen shots this morning," the sheriff informs her.

Mindy realizes her earlier target practice session triggered the report. She explains, “Oh, that was me teaching myself how to hunt. I set up a target on a tree.”

The sheriff nods understandingly. “Well then, that doesn’t sound too concerning. It’s deer season, but nobody makes a fuss about shooting rabbits for supper. Of course, if you need to kill a snake or coyote for protection, that’s fair game too. Somebody might’a run into a coyote last night.”

Mindy expresses her surprise, saying, “Wow, I’m a city girl. I didn’t know I was surrounded by coyotes.”

Noticing the bandages on her hand, the sheriff raises an eyebrow and asks, “What happened to your hand? That seems like a nasty wound.”

Mindy sighs, “The lights went out, and while I was looking for candles in a drawer, I accidentally cut myself on a knife.”

“Is that outage why I saw Ed leaving your place?” the sheriff inquires.

“Yes, he was here earlier checking the power,” Mindy confirms. Concerned about recent events, she continues, “Before you go, Sheriff, could you give me a few shooting pointers?”

The sheriff agrees, understanding her need for self-defense. “I reckon I could. Where’d you set up your range?”

“It’s around back,” Mindy replies, leading the way.

As they walk, the sheriff suggests, “If you practice at the same time every day, I can eliminate any future reports of gunfire during that hour."

Upon arrival at the makeshift shooting range, they inspect the tin pan target, and Mindy shows him where she stood. The puzzled sheriff scratches his head and says, “Out of twelve rounds, you hit the edge of the target just once? Hold on! Wait here. I see something over yonder.”

Curiosity piqued, the sheriff hurries beyond the tree and discovers a lifeless body. “Stand back. This here’s a crime scene. I need to call this in. Let me have the gun you were using.”

Alone as a Suspect

The sheriff reaches for his radio and contacts a deputy and the coroner, requesting their presence. Upon initial examination, they determine that the victim died from a gunshot wound, possibly matching the caliber of Mindy’s rifle. However, they lack the necessary equipment for a comprehensive ballistics analysis.

As the sheriff begins to jot down notes back in the house, Mindy directs his attention to the gun cabinet from which she retrieved the rifle. She informs him that one rifle is missing. Though he refrains from arresting her, the sheriff sternly advises Mindy not to leave the premises.

Feeling the weight of suspicion bearing down on her, Mindy’s voice trembles as she speaks, “Without transportation, that’s an easy rule to follow. I’m more concerned about the discovery of a dead body in my backyard. Could that person have been shot last night when I called the operator?”

The sheriff’s gaze remains steady as he responds, “I can’t say for sure until we get a ballistics report back. The coroner did say that it’s possible that the victim died last night. But that doesn’t let you off the hook.”

Worry and fear creep into Mindy’s voice as she stresses, “Why would I kill someone and then call the operator?”

The sheriff sighs, his tone softening slightly. “I don’t have all the facts, but one thing stands out—your shooting skills. Ya mentioned hitting the edge of your target only once. The victim was struck by a single fatal shot. Whether that was accidental or not, I can’t say for sure.”

Concern for her safety overtakes Mindy’s thoughts as she pleads, “Now that you see the danger I reported, it’s more imperative that I learn how to shoot for protection, if not hunting for food.”

The sheriff takes a moment to consider her request before responding, “Alright, I need to take your rifle from this morning. Use a different one for target practice between 9 and 10 o’clock only. However, please understand that we’re still investigating the death on your property, so I’ll be in touch.”

Mindy thanks him, her voice laced with gratitude and a touch of apprehension. “I appreciate everything you’re doing. I’m catching up with my Southern hospitality. After receiving a delivery from the general store, I’ll have some coffee to offer the next time you come by.”

As the sheriff makes his way back to his vehicle, Mindy is left alone with a whirlwind of emotions. Uncertainty hangs heavy in the air, and the weight of suspicion bears down on her shoulders. With each passing moment, her determination to uncover answers for the bizarre occurrences on her property.


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