
A Man for Each of Us E2

Beautiful smiling couple (ai)


Evan finds himself in the impossible situation of choosing between two beautiful women, who not only know one another, but they’re related.

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A Mom Makes Inroads


Evan thinks back to that bizarre moment in Sandra’s living room. Could this really be happening? Do they regularly do this? He can’t imagine any other scenario where a mother and daughter would agree to something so unusual. Is there more to it?

In the days that follow, Sandra and Evan embark on a beautiful journey together. They learn more about each other’s dreams, passions, and quirks. Laughter surrounds them as they cherish every moment together. Sandra begins portraying the advantages of mature elegance, wearing expensive gowns, jewelry, and cologne.

Evan wants to avoid the same mistakes as her first husband. So he asks, “How long were you with Monica’s father and why did you break up?”

Sandra feigns an affront. “You don’t need to treat this like speed dating with a barrage of questions before our appetizer arrives.”

“No, I’m sorry. If I’m prying, you don’t have to answer,” Evan recoils.

In a calm tone, Sandra replies. “That’s okay. You should know. Robert is his name. When I was twenty, we met at a dance club. He bought me many drinks. Soon thereafter, our bodies became more involved than our minds. After establishing the pattern, we continued until I got pregnant. We married to raise our daughter honorably. Despite our best efforts, Robert wasn’t husband material. He continued to practice the same pattern on other women.”

Evan ponders out loud, “I’m sorry to hear that. It seems that fidelity is important to you in a mate. So why are you allowing me to date your daughter?”

“In my first marriage, I became good at spotting a liar,” Sandra cautions. “We have a very clear boundary in this competition. If you cross the line, whether you lie about it or not, I can tell.”

“Thanks for emphasizing the… threat,” he responds on edge. “Our appetizers have arrived.”

A Young Worthy Competitor

Monica does not have the expensive wardrobe of her mother, so she resorts to wearing tight revealing outfits. This raises Sandra’s eyebrow. She then begins dressing like a 25-year-old. Her daughter teases, “You can’t put old wine in new wineskins.”

Sandra corrects the proverb, “I think you mean new wine in old wineskins?”

Monica interrupts, “Do I really?”

In good fun, the two women try to sabotage each other’s success by hiding their phones and giving bad advice. But then they begin helping each other dress. By the final week, both women are landing kisses, Monica’s more passionate than Sandra, but neither is certain of Evan’s leanings.

To hedge her bets, Monica invites herself over to his home, where she peers at the beautiful sunset horizon through the large living room window. While he stirs drinks in the kitchen, she stirs her confidence, posing on the sofa.

A soft voice from the darkness urges, “After tonight, simply tell Mom that I won.”

With his eyes on the two cocktail glasses, Evan steps slowly towards her in the dim light. He stares at her clear exhibition of willingness, distracted enough to spill the drinks. But the memory of Sandra’s threat helps him resist, and he takes Monica home early. Sandra, on the other hand, remains confident without lowering her standards.

A Challenging Decision

As Evan becomes an integral part of their lives, the three form a unique and loving bond. Finally, the long-awaited hour arrives as they in the living room of Sandra’s home.

Evan can feel the weight of the decision pressing down on him. His heart races, torn between the two women who have come to mean so much to him. He glances at Sandra, whose eyes hold a mix of hope and fear, and then at Monica, who watches him with a determined gaze. How has he gotten here? And more importantly, how can he walk away from this without breaking someone’s heart?

Evan begins. “I’ve made my decision. Please confirm that the two of you will abide by it and still love each other.”

The two women look at one another, smiling, then embracing, before nodding, yes. Monica says, “This was actually a lot of fun.”

Full of suspense, Evan then admits, “I love you both. So the fair decision I’ve come up with is —”

Sandra interrupts, anticipating his conclusion. “You want to sleep with us both?”

“I didn’t know that was an option,” he says in befuddlement.

“Neither did I. Are you talking about separately or at the same time?” Monica asks.

Sandra chuckles, raising a hand. “Okay, okay. I jumped the gun. Let’s give him a chance to decide.”

Evan’s heart pounds while weighing his words carefully. He can sense the tension in the room, the unspoken fears and hopes hanging in the air. “Instead of me answering… I think Sandra should decide,” he finally says, his voice steady but his palms sweaty. He holds his breath, awaiting her response.

Monica bends her neck, smirking at her mother, “That seems unfair. Mom, should we extend the length of the competition, this time without restrictions?”

Her mother smiles, warning, “That would be unfair to you.”

Monica, raising her eyebrows says, “Unfair to me? I like the confidence.” She then directs her attention to Evan. “Why does she get to choose?”

He responds, slightly muddled, “You two are suggesting outlandish ideas, and someone needs to be the filter. Sandra was the first one I met. Her bond with you is so strong that she left her happiness in your hands. Your mother is a great woman. If my lot in life is to have you as a stepdaughter, we would never be separated. As the newcomer to your life-long relationship, I have no right to make this important decision without considering her feelings.”

Sandra nods and replies, “Wisdom like that convinces me you’re a good man. But as you know, a mother always yields to her daughter’s happiness. You two have my blessing. Go ahead and kiss her like you mean it,” she says, her voice full of warmth.

Monica gleefully responds, “Hopefully, you don’t expect me to be mature enough to decline your concession, Mom. I’m happy to accept Evan if he will have me?”

Another Test of Loyalty

Evan and his youthful mate lock in an embrace, their hearts filled with joy and excitement. Sandra then says in the background, “You two need some living room privacy. I’ll be in my room. Good night, sweetheart—and Evan,” Mom says with a wink.

After an hour of romantic familiarity, Monica offers, “I hope you don’t think this is a strange family for having such a bizarre contest. This is the first time she and I did anything like this.”

Evan acknowledges, “It was strange, but I already expressed my feelings for you before the contest. I went along with it to get your mother’s approval.”

Monica leans in, her voice low and teasing. “There’s a reason a reason Mom suggested the winner should move in with you. She wondered if sneaking between our rooms would be a temptation. But, just so you know, I’m open to it.” Her playful tone doesn’t mask the underlying challenge in her words.

Evan can’t help but wonder if this is all part of the competition. Is she serious? Or is she testing him, waiting for him to slip up? He turns on the light to confirm her earnest facial expression before replying, “That’s an impossible suggestion, Monica. I’m not that kind of man, and you know it. My heart is set on you—only you.”

Monica buries him with kisses. “Oh you handsome man of mine, I’m sorry for testing you, but I had to be sure. If you had knocked on her bedroom door, she would have thrown you out for good. I’m the one who loves you. My mother saw sparks of potential romance from the moment she introduced us. You’re close to her age, but not too far out of my league. We questioned which way you might bend.

“She came up with the entire competition just to test your loyalty. To see if you’d stay true even when it got complicated—unlike my father. And you passed. You treated her respectfully, without betraying me, even with all the chances to stray.”

Evan blinks, letting the truth sink in. “A test. Of course.”

Relief washes over him, and despite everything, he can’t help but smile. They’d been playing him all along, but for the best reasons. And somehow, he’s passed.

Monica teases, “So… were you hinting at a marriage proposal, or did you really expect me to start a family out of wedlock?”

Evan smiles, his heart steady now. “Monica, I think we both know the answer to that. I’m ready, if you are.

The End

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