
Legacy for Future Eyes

Stressed classroom student


In academia’s realm, a young mind awakens with possibilities that reverberate far beyond the audience of peers.

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A Stunning Introduction


I sit as an acne-faced, wide-eyed youth, my heart pounding in my chest like a war drum, while others take their places around me. The classroom echos with the chatter of young voices. Bright lights render the projection screen insignificant. There, like an enigmatic apparition, stands a slight-built sandy-colored man radiating an aura of mystery and wisdom.

“The allotment of time bestowed upon each infant seems like an eternity. By the age of 20, a man feels immortal. With vivid dreams and endless possibilities, he aspires to everything. Yet, he is fortunate if he receives anything.

“Each generation is a custodian of the earth. Within a century, everything occupied becomes inhabited by heirs. Will the inheritance prove to be more or less valuable to successive generations? This is the question each individual asks, but few raise and answer.

“If your life were plucked from a market shelf, what would the cash register read when the cashier scans your bar code? Would it be equal to what’s in your checking account? Does it correlate to your potential lifetime earnings? Is it, perhaps, the value of deeds from which heirs of the earth benefit?

“Your assignment is to write a letter—not to me or anyone else living. This letter is for the next generation living 100 years from now. Give thought to the format, considering changes over the past half-century. Handwritten letters, audio cassettes, CDs, text messages, and streaming videos have each had their prominence.

“While sitting in the furnishings of the future, someone opens your antiquated form of communication to learn how you impacted their life. At a minimum, your words number 500, but the total depends upon your real value.”

An Overwhelming Reaction

This is my first day in a college creative writing class. Professor Ulrich’s challenge shatters the boundaries of time and space, leaving me gasping for breath in the wake of infinite possibilities. The weight of my impact on generations yet unborn presses upon my mind, urging me to unearth the essence of my being.

Visions of a future world, shaped by wars and ravaged by environmental ruin, swirl like tempests in the recesses of my thoughts. My hand shoots up, quivering with anticipation, as I yearn to grasp the meaning behind this transcendent quest, asking, “When is this letter due?”

The professor confidently replies, “You have the remainder of class and this evening. It’s due tomorrow.”

My thoughts race like comets in the cosmos, seeking to align my purpose with the universe’s grand design. I begin thinking since I’m in a creative writing class, literature holds the power to metamorphose our reality into a wondrous tapestry of imagination.

What role will writing have within a world that lives in four dimensions? People will interact with a blend of augmented reality that is far superior to what’s available today. An adjective-rich plot will affect virtual scenes. Story characters will emerge from words to become individuals acting out their roles within the viewer’s presence. It will be like, well, like the biblical transfiguration. —Luke 9:18–32.

What if the scriptures are true? They tell us that the world as we know it is passing away and a better one will come. (2 Peter 3:13; 1 John 2:17) As my mind whirls through the labyrinth of possibilities, a profound question echoes within me – can my aspirations surpass the promise of a better world, one where sickness vanishes and the dead are resurrected? —Acts 24:15; Revelation 21:3, 4.

If the world takes a dark turn, perhaps from environmental depletion, what words could give hope to mankind? Would people view me as an oracle if I describe the conditions they’re living through? If I arrange my words in verses set to music, will future generations sing my praises? I’m wasting too much time with all these scenarios. I get my digital device ready to begin filling a page with awe-inspiring words. While composing my thoughts, the school bell rings, signaling the end of class.


If you enjoy creative writing, share your response to this assignment in the comment section.

Return twice weekly for miniseries. Any relation to actual persons or events is coincidental. Login provides the most immersive experience. About 1600 total words. Audio may include sound effects that alter reading time.

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