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30 articles tagged Urology
'Your Kidney is A Pain in the Back'

Your Kidney is a Pain in the Back

Problem kidneys can be manifested by changes in urination, backaches, fatigue, and in other ways.

Parents 'Moms With Boys Entering Puberty'

Single-Parent Moms Explain Puberty To Boys

You may feel like renting an R-rated movie in lieu of having the talk with your son. But there are some important things you both should know.

Cardiology 'Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Pain'

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

This chronic painful condition generally begins with pregnancy. What are the symptoms and factors that can increase pain?

Individual 'Female examining ambiguous genitalia'

Born With Ambiguous Genitalia

Under two percent of infants include atypical sex organs. What are the criteria for determination? Who decides the gender of infants, and what does it look like?

Oncology 'Chances of Testicular Cancer'

What Are Chances of Testicular Cancer?

Paradoxically, this infrequent carcinoma within the male genitals is the number-one cancer in men ages 20 to 34.


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Nutrition 'Are You Drinking Enough Water With Your Vitamins?'

Drink Enough Water (With Vitamins)

You may be taking too many vitamins or not drinking enough water. Here is what you should know for good health.

Individual 'Vasectomy or Tubal Ligation'

Vasectomy or Tubal Ligation

Compare 18 birth control methods. Vasectomies do not affect testos­terone level, erections, climaxes, or sex drive. Women may receive a similar procedure.

Woman 'Frightened black girl beneath sheets'

Protect Girls From Mutilation

Female genital mutilation, done by cutters or medical doctors, can cause long-term physical and emotional problems.

Food 'Does Your Urine Hate Asparagus?'

Why Your Urine Hates Asparagus

Asparagus can be a tasty and nutri­tious vege­table. Why does this love affair end when visit­ing the toilet?

Urology 'Anatomy of a UTI'

Anatomy of a UTI

Not limited to females, most UTIs can be cured in 2–3 days but here is why they occur more frequently in women.

Nephrology 'Do You Have An Enlarged Prostate?'

Recognizing Benign Prostate Hyperplasia

Symptoms become notice­able over age 50. All of a sudden, it is painful to sit and difficult to urinate.

Endocrinology 'Couple with sacral dysfunction'

Sacral Dysfunction Affects More Than Your Back

Most men boast about their virility to the point of exag­gera­tion. This makes the con­versa­tion about impo­tence difficult.


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