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21 articles tagged Maturity age 16
'Female hand squeezing pink douche syringe'

How Often Should You Douche?

About 30 percent of American adolescent females douche at least once a week. What is douching and is it necessary at all?

Woman 'Mother nursing baby boy'

How Nursing Mothers Reduce Engorgement

Ahoy, new moms! Tame breast engorgement like a pro. Navigate nursing hurdles with useful tips in this playful guide.

Relationships 'Mother with two children'

Single-Parent Childrearing

As a mother raising young children after divorce or separation, reconciliation may sometimes be a beneficial path. Find out why.

Woman 'Female holding grapefruits in front of breasts'

Coping With Saggy Breasts

Healthy breasts are more important than perkiness. Yet societal messaging affects how women feel about their bodies. Here are ways to improve firmness.

Woman 'Female holding coconuts in front of breasts'

Speaking of Breasts

Will women with less than voluminous breasts receive a second chance at achieving the form they desire during pregnancy?


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Woman 'Female emotional despair'

How Early Puberty Affected Me

A teen mom reflects on her good and bad decisions resulting from early puberty, as she advises girls in similar situations to make wise choices.

Relationships 'Young married couple in bed'

Sex vs Procreation

Both hormonal youths and older persons who long for companion­ship are often excited to experiment without regard for consequences.

Woman 'Undersize bra foam bra padding'

How To Pad Your Bra

To make a favorable impression or turn heads at a party, consider options for healthy women with petite breasts.

Woman 'Pregnant belly profile'

Finally Pregnant, Now What?

Whether by surprise or careful planning, there’s a bun in the oven. How will your diet, wardrobe, and healthcare change over the next several months?

Parents 'Dads With Girls Entering Puberty'

Single-Parent Dads Explain Puberty To Girls

Your daughter is growing up. She needs more personal hygiene products and a trip to the gynecologist. Here’s how to remain calm and helpful.

Parents 'Moms With Boys Entering Puberty'

Single-Parent Moms Explain Puberty To Boys

You may feel like renting an R-rated movie in lieu of having the talk with your son. But there are some important things you both should know.

Woman 'Pregnant woman on sofa'

Your Water Broke, Now What?

When it’s time to give birth, amniotic fluid leaks through a pregnant woman’s vagina. How soon should she receive medical attention before it endangers the baby?


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