Custom Graphics Details
Image does not reflect alternate color pallets. Artist will manually apply colors based on supplied customer content. Indicate dimensions and other pertinent details. Upload text and data. Customer is responsible for proofreading and fact checking with up to 3 revisions.
Content on sample layouts are placeholders. With new text, images and color scheme, the layout may serve an entirely different audience.
Writing: Customer can supply text. When required, ClinicalPosters can assign writers or translators for a fee. At the base price, supplied text is reformatted to fit the selected layout. Universal rich-text format is preferable. Microsoft Word and Excel are acceptable. Extracting data from PowerPoint or PDF files is most time consuming and problematic.
Charts and art: To create professional charts and graphs, provide plot points in a text file. Alternatively, screenshots of your graphs can be pasted into the layout without replotting. Color and style may not match the layout but there is no extra cost for using screenshots.
File upload: If you have company logos, images and text that are ready, you may attach them to your order now as a zip archive. (jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, ppt, docx, pages, txt, rtxt, zip) Otherwise, they may sent later as the project progresses.