
Dignified Areola Comparison

Supine nude female in shadows

Of all the female anatomy posters available, which depict the areola changes women face through key phases of life?

What is Normal?

Congenital variations of the shape and structure of the nipple lack coverage in the medical literature.” (A.K. Shaha, D. Floyd) Though most people have a general idea of what an areola looks like, there is considerable deviation from what is normal. Genetics contribute to common character­istics in shape, color, and size. No two areolae are exactly alike—not even on the same person.

Patients Are Asking

Despite public concealment efforts, the areola is the topic of many private medical inquiries. It is also an indicator of patient health. Doctors advise women to note areola changes during self-breast examinations (BSE).

Questions about breasts and areolae begin with puberty, continue during pregnancy and birth, and do not stop later among pre-and post-menopausal women. How frequently does an ob-gyn hear these questions:

  • Will I be able to nurse my baby with flat or inverted nipples?
  • Why is one areola larger than the other?
  • How come it looks like I have no areola?
  • Can anything be done to darken a pale areola?
  • Will the diameter of my areola ever increase?
  • Should I be concerned about oval or asymmetrical areolae?
  • Is nipple discharge cause for concern?
  • Will my tubular breasts produce enough milk to lactate?
  • Does redness, itching, and flaking indicate cancer?
  • How will my breasts change during pregnancy?
  • Should I have surgery to reduce the diameter of my areola?
  • Why did the tiny bumps on my areola get bigger?
  • What causes dark crusting nipples?
  • Is cosmetic surgery the only way to improve the apprearance of my areola?
  • Should I shave the hair on my areola?
  • Can I have breast cancer without the presence of a lump?
  • Why are my areolae so sensitive to touch?
  • Does this change in my areola mean that I have breast cancer?

You can likely add more questions. Many new areolae developments prompt cancer concerns. Areola reconstruction is also discussed following breast-sparing surgery. They are often relocated as part of a breast augmentation procedure. Nipple piercing and areola tattoos may be employed to address aesthetic anomalies.

Breast malformation can even lead to negative psychological effects. Due to unreliable results, doctors seldom advise patients to search the Internet for answers. Relentless patients suffer through vague descriptions on message boards, crude diagrams, or prurient Internet photos to find answers to their many questions.

Tanner 5-Stage Female Breast Develop­ment (Thelarche)
Stage 1
Tanner - Stage 1 breast development
(Preadoles­cent) only nipple tip is raised; glandu­lar tissue absent: areola follows the skin con­tours of the chest (typically age 10 and younger)
Stage 2
Tanner - Stage 2 breast development
Buds, raised breast and nipple, enlarged areola (age 10–11.5)
Stage 3
Tanner - Stage 3 breast development
Breasts slightly larger with develop­ing glandu­lar breast tissue extend­ing beyond areola borders, which continues widening but remains in contour with surround­ing breast (age 11.5–13)
Stage 4
Tanner - Stage 4 breast development
Areolae and nipples form secondary mounds above the rest of the breasts (age 13–15)
Stage 5
Tanner - Stage 5 breast development
Mature adult breasts become rounded with only nipples raised (age 15+)
Individual develop­ment stages vary. Preco­cious puberty may occur before age 9. There­fore, do not use these guide­lines for deter­mining age.

Patient-Orientated Female Anatomy Poster

Of all the female anatomy posters available, none depict the many areola changes women face through key phases of their lives. Producing a chart that is educational to the majority of females is a daunting challenge.

Anomalous Areolae is an informative and interactive poster developed for medical students and as a patient guide for obstetric gynecologists, dermatologists, and plastic surgeons to explain areola variations in a concise format. More representative than exhaustive, 13 of the 19 illustrations detail life-size nipples and surrounding areolae.

While advising patients to seek a diagnosis from a medical professional, the Anomalous Areolae anatomical chart describes breast changes resulting from pregnancy along with depictions of rare side effects. Some aberrant areola morphology is unrelated to pregnancy. This poster contrasts abnormal, though benign, manifestations from life-threatening indications.

Detailed illustrations are referenced from a variety of clinical sources representing key categories. Though patients may identify with some characteristics, any resemblance to the likeness or anatomy of actual persons is coincidental.

The primary female breast anatomy posters displayed in ob-gyn offices are Breast Cancer, Benign Breast Disease, and Pregnancy and Birth. The areola poster is priced higher because it is printed in small quantities.

Physicians who hang the Anomalous Areolae poster within examination rooms are better equipped to address questions from concerned patients. It might be considered a compendium of nearly everything you want to know about areolae but were afraid to ask. With an interchangeable-content DeuPair Frame, physicians can conserve exam-room wall space while having multiple posters to display for meeting specific patient needs, revealing this one only when required.

Though some breast and areola anomalies affect men, hormonal changes contribute to more questions from women. Patients will gain more confidence in their individuality by seeing a broad range of normalcy and being better informed regarding changes that occur throughout the different phases of their lives as they remain A Bit More Healthy.

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