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22 articles tagged Anatomy posters
'Gastroenterology Exam-Room Design Budget'

Gastroenterology Exam-Room Design Budget

Equip each medical exam room with seven framed human anatomy posters for under $400. Optional­ly share $400 of anatomi­cal models between multiple offices.

Fulfillment 'Who Is Unpacking Your Posters?'

Who Is Unpacking Your Posters?

We pack products to with­stand moderate squeezes, drops and light rain­fall. One thing we cannot complete­ly account for is damage by cust­omers after receiv­ing a package.

Fulfillment 'Albums and turntable'

Folded, Flat or Rolled Posters

Default recommendation for less than eight posters is to have them rolled in a crush-resistant tube. For best protection, a flat-box option allows posters to arrive unrolled and unfolded.

Products 'Cartoon cholecystectomy'

Don’t Be a Cartoon Medical Doctor

Doctors who are qualified medical illustrators are appreciated. For others, there are professional tools to aide patient communication.

Products 'Man having blood pressure checked'

Cardiology Teaching Products Budget

Equip each medical exam room with seven framed human anatomy posters for under $400. Optionally share $900 of anatomical models between multiple offices.


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Products 'Otolaryngology Exam Room Anatomy Posters on a Budget'

Otolaryngology Exam-Room Teaching Products

Get three frames with seven interchangeable anatomy posters in two sizes. Two anatomical models can easily be shared among multiple exam rooms.

Products 'Metabolic Syndrome Poster Comparison'

Metabolic Syndrome Anatomy Poster Comparison

Compare three popular multidisciplinary Metabolic Syndrome anatomy posters. Then make your purchase today.

Products 'How to Legally Film Anatomy Posters'

How to Legally Film Anatomy Posters

Obtain clear­ance for any art­work and logos depicted in video. This includes anatomy posters. Up-front extended use fees are nomi­nal com­pared to copy­right infringe­ment penalties.

Marketing '9 Things to Consider Before Distributing Posters at Conferences'

Promote Your Brand With Anatomy Posters

For conventions and mail­ings, pharma­ceutical companies, device manufac­turers, and medical groups can imprint a logo on posters with custom layout options.

Products 'How To Buy Exam Room Anatomy Posters Without Being Blamed For It'

Buy Exam Room Anatomy Posters Without Being Blamed

When tasked with decorating medical office exam rooms, you are cautious about making correct decisions. It may seem that the best way to please every­one is to spend less.

Products 'Diseases of the Digestive System Posters'

Compare Diseases of the Digestive System Posters

In a head-to-head compari­son, each human anatomy poster depicts diseases differently. Choose the best anatom­ical posters for your medical office or classroom.

Products 'Get Fascinating Vitruvian Man Poster'

Get Fascinating Vitruvian Man Poster

Few art pieces are favored more to represent the health pro­fes­sion than the caduceus and Vitruvian Man drawn by Leonardo da Vinci. Download free poster now.


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