
Kevin RRW, who has decades of program­ming experience, began blogging here in 2010. With a scone and hot coffee, he enjoys writing A fluffy veggie omlete with juice inspires writing Believing the Bible is the greatest book, he enjoys writing Continuing to push the envelope for creativity, he publishes With a blueberry-banana protein smoothie, he produces articles Benefiting thousands of readers, he publishes information On the Shopify platform, he provides insight­ful articles about pro­gram­­ming, creative writing, market­ing, and health.
126 articles by Kevin RRW
'Offices Adapt To Pandemic'

Offices Adapt To Pandemic

As businesses adapt to the pandemic, product shortages, time delays, and new efficiencies may emerge.

Technology 'Eero WiFi Pro System'

Eero WiFi Pro vs WiFi 6 Pro Mesh System

Rather than replacing former routers, Amazon keeps a string of them around, both to provide different price points and to confuse the consumer.

Writing 'Demanding man'

Avoid Obsessive Writing

Readers can sense whether a writer has an obses­sion or pas­sion about a sub­ject. Do not make them feel uncom­fort­able with too many emphatic directives.

Technology 'Improve WiFi Router Reliability'

Improve WiFi Router Reliability

If you are tired of hit-and-miss approaches to WiFi network sluggish­ness, this article will save time and keep you from spending more money than necessary.

Programming 'Using CSS For Conditional Element Visibility'

CSS Visibility Based On Screen Size

What you display on a large computer screen must be simplified for a small device. Alternate formatting or hide elements to optimize responsiveness.


Enjoy articles each week

Writing 'Writing Standards'

ClinicalPosters Writing Style Guide

These 16 tips will help elevate the quality of articles. This, in turn, encourages visitors to return and read more blog content.

Social media 'Grocery Shopping Cart Dangers'

Grocery Shopping Cart Dangers

In this article for Quora, read reasons beyond COVID-19 to take precautions and wash items before putting them away on your shelves.

Marketing 'How to Avoid Scams'

Don’t Get Scammed

A properly timed scam can derail a business heading for success. During an economic downturn, you may be even more vulnerable.

Social media 'Benefits of Writing on Quora'

Benefits of Writing on Quora

How a struggling artist ended up paying pockets full of cash for an order of french fries.

Programming 'One-Page Multiple Shopify Blogs Shopify Liquid'

List Multiple Blog Articles On A Page

Explore two ways to display multiple blog articles on a single page. One method uses Liquid program­ming. The other requires no coding at all.

Marketing 'Run a Successful Business'

Can You Run a Successful Business?

Running your own business requires much more than doing something you enjoy. Here is a checklist to see if you are ready.

Writing 'Control Your Own Content'

Control Your Own Content

To the extent possible, you want to own your own creative content. This includes photos, artwork, articles, domain names, and product descriptions.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.