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5 articles tagged Ophthalmology
'Man with eye fatigue'

Journey Through Diminishing Vision

Discover how Björn navigates declining vision caused by vitreous membrane detachment and early-stage cataracts, seeking coping strategies along the way.

Vision 'Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month'

Children’s Eye Health and Safety

Telltale signs of vision prob­lems are squint­ing, head­aches, lack of concen­tra­tion, or reading compre­hension.

Vision 'Improve Glaucoma Hindsight'

Improve Glaucoma Hindsight

Don’t wait for noticeable eye problems. Prevent glaucoma by having regular exams and eating healthy.


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Vision 'Better Focus On Aging Eyesight'

Better Focus On Aging Eyesight

As adults reach the age of 40, deteriorating vision hinders the ability to focus at a comfortable reading distance. Learn how progressive lenses differ from bifocals.

Rheumatology 'Here Are Clues A Patient Has Sjögren’s'

Clues A Patient Has Sjögren’s

When eyes are so dry they hurt and vision is blurred, it’s wise to seek an eye care professional. Patient response to anti­biotics may help diagnose this auto­immune disorder.


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