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15 articles tagged Autoimmune
'Here Are Clues A Patient Has Sjögren’s'

Clues A Patient Has Sjögren’s

When eyes are so dry they hurt and vision is blurred, it’s wise to seek an eye care professional. Patient response to anti­biotics may help diagnose this auto­immune disorder.

Rheumatology 'Sjögren’s Syndrome: Pain Beyond Tears'

Sjögren’s Syndrome: Pain Beyond Tears

Sjögren’s syndrome is often confused with dry eye syndrome. If it was just diminished tears, Sjögren’s syndrome might benefit solely from eye drops. This medical condition affects multiple organs.

Cardiology 'It’s Dysautonomia — Not Laziness'

It’s Dysautonomia — Not Laziness

Dysautonomia is a health condition referring to dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system. Learn how it affects various bodily systems.


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