
Are You Missing Automatic Discounts?

You Are Missing Automatic Discounts

You Don’t Want Them

The majority of customers indicate that purchasing decisions are not based on discounts.

ClinicalPosters provides a customized site visitor experience and superior products with customized finishing. It no longer makes sense to compete with similar, though inferior, products by slashing prices.

Displaying lower prices to repeat customers who login introduces problems for some clientele. Hospitals and universities generally have a purchasing department that functions independently from the physicians who shop for posters. Often, a requisition is sent to the purchasing department to generate a purchase order and buy matching products. Delays are caused when prices differ.


Customers continue to choose quality products over discounts, no matter how easy they are applied. ClinicalPosters will continue to curate content for individual users who login. Beginning in January, automatic discounts based purely on medical interest are indefinitely suspended. Pricing shall reflect reason­able profit for superior products and services.

Periodic sale prices continue. A schedule of monthly promotions is visible from the About navigation menu and the current promotion is visible on the home page banner. Shipping prices throughout the U.S. are now an average of 10% less.

Year-End Discounts

Beginning in January, automatic discounts based purely on medical interest are indefinitely suspended.

The large majority of customers indicate that purchasing decisions are not based on discounts. They enjoy the wide selection of poster titles and quality products like our DeuPair Frames. This allows physicians and nurses to individualize patient exam-room experiences like the ClinicalPosters site does for them.

DeuPair, DeuPair Flip Frame and DeuPair Pocket Frame are trademarks of ClinicalPosters.

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